Saturday, January 25, 2025

Pushing Through Cold Weather


The staff continues to battle cold and white conditions.  What better time to get the lift around the course without creating any tire tracks on our turf.  We are more than halfway through the course with our pruning and hoping to have most of the trees done in the next 7 working days.

While the ground is still pretty frozen, we have been able to begin construction on the newly routed drainage ditch on 17.  While we are at it, we are constructing the new white tee on 16, which will be the official white and blue tee once the hole is renovated later this year.  It is great to be able to get a lot of the heavy lifting done now, but all the finish work will take place in mid to late March and beyond.  It will be a busy spring for the staff!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tree Pruning

 Assistant Andrew Stilwell and Roberto Polanco are checking all trees for suckers and any dead wood.  We did this last about 3 years ago and really should be done every 2 years.  The monthly cost to rent the lift will cost the same as our tree contractor for 1 day.  With the cold temperatures, Andrew and Roberto are knocking it out of the park without leaving much tire damage.  We are thinking about 3 weeks to get the entire course and clubhouse area done.  Both are harnessed in and only elevating to about 25 feet since we did such a good job a couple of years ago.