Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tree Removal on 16

The large maple to the right of the ditch is being removed to open up the new shot line to the alternate fairway and green.  This will now give everyone a much better look at the new green from the tee and may entice a few to go for it!

Greens Being Aerified Today

Getting a good head start on the aerification this season.  We will get greens done today, then in another week we will verticut and then dryject on March 23rd.  That will be followed by another dryject on April 24th.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

New Screening Mounds

With the recent removal of several dangerous oaks around our storage garage we have now added some mounding in the area to help screen the building from the first tee and clubhouse.  With the trees removed we also created some cool vistas of the 15th and 16th holes.

Why Not!

With the warmer temperatures of late, we are taking advantage of it and getting out to verticut fairways.  We hopefully can have them all done by next week.  We will then punch them and topdress them.  Yesterday we sprayed and rolled greens as well.