Thursday, July 18, 2019

More Drainage!

Can you tell where water sits all the time on the 12th fairway?  This is the low area in the beginning of the fairway where water sits after every rain.  Not many options to drain it to, but you can see from constant wet feet the turf is thinning out, especially now that the heat is kicking in.  We installed a sump drain in the low area where Pedro is standing to alleviate this problem.  The area will slowly recover but we will be babying this and other areas along for the next few weeks.  After last nights rain there was no water sitting here this morning.

It Must Be Hot Out

This is the stepcut on #5 fairway.  The browning you see is Poa Trivialis, a cool season grass that cannot take any heat stress.  This was probably seeded here at Arcola years ago and has still managed to stick around.  I consider it a weed that is tough to get rid of.   Most summers it looks like this and we are hoping it is dead but it returns as healthy as ever once the weather changes.  Maybe this year may be different so we can finally get rid of this nuisance.  This is not only on this hole in abundance but also on 15 and 17 fairways and roughs.