Monday, July 23, 2018

Getting Sprays Done

We finally broke down and did a full spray to our experimental (no spray) fairways.  To date, we made 1 light application for dollar spot back in early June when we started to see the fungus.  Now with the rain forecast for almost a week straight and high humidity we cannot take the chance that we will make it through.  You cannot control brown patch with nutrients and the weather now is conducive to many diseases.  When we can control the water it is much easier to control fungus, but the weather we are having now is too tough to predict.  With the Met Am, the Clambake and the Morgan Hoffmann outing all in the next 3-4 weeks, we cannot be playing catch up.
I am proud that 1/3 of our fairways or 10 acres have only received 1 full fungicide spray to date.  I am confident as long as the weather does not get too crazy this spray should get us to Labor Day. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Weather Is Not Cooperating

What a stretch.  Dry conditions, followed by rain during the Stoddard Cup last week which delayed play and shortened the event to 27 holes.  That was followed by high humidity and triple digit temperatures and then yesterday a pop up thunderstorm flooded the course and lightning took out the big oak by the 1st tee.  Luckily nobody was injured but the weather has been extremely difficult to deal with.  Our next big event this Friday the Arcola Cup the forecast is calling for much of the same, 1" of rain and thunderstorms.  Now, we are moving up to a 7:30 shotgun to try and get at least 18 holes in.  I can deal with the humidity but when you cant control the water applied to the grass, things can get dicey quickly.  Again, my crew always rises to the occasion, whether we have to start at 4am or stay late, they make it happen and make us all look good.  They are the unseen heroes at Arcola.