Sunday, December 24, 2017

Why Sand is Important

This picture shows why putting a lot of sand on the greens is important during the off season months.  When we keep the greens open during the winter months, the grass does not grow.  Soft spikes, while an improvement from the old metal spikes are beginning to wreak havoc on the quality of putting surfaces due to their aggressive nature, especially in the afternoon after a good amount of play has gone through.  The dimples you see in the sand above would be into the grass and crown of the plants had we not topdressed them, possibly injuring the plants.  Constant foot traffic all winter could effect the putting surfaces come spring and next summer, which is why we always put a good amount of sand on them to protect them from traffic and weather conditions.  The sand also helps dilute thatch and firm up the greens.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Get Ready for Winter

Looks like winter will be coming a bit early.  Snow forecast for tomorrow, temperatures in the upper 20s for highs next week.  We put another 40 tons of sand on the greens today to protect the plants from desiccation.  That makes a total of 100 tons of sand that we have put on the greens in the past 10 days. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Prepping Greens For Winter

A busy day on Monday.  The greens received their last fungicide spray followed by a heavy topdressing, a deep tine aerification using 3/4" tines then a 5/8" solid tine aerification on top.  This will help with any winter drainage and help alleviate compaction from all the rolling done since August.  We are also applying our dormant fertilizers today, followed by another topdressing next week.